On Top of California

On Top of California
Lots of action at CofAPundit these days

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

One of many reasons I am staying in Tahoe

With the recent news that water levels may be rising faster than scientists had originally estimated, are we all doomed?
There are some people who think we are doomed, some very, very bright people in the science world who think that we’re past the moment where we can do anything significant, but there’s also a lot of people who don’t. I do think we’re on the line right now.
What’s the number one thing we can do now to prevent this?
There’s a big movement to shift completely away from fossil fuels, which is, I think, the greatest thing we could do. And not only for climate change, but for the four to seven million people a year who die from fossil fuel pollution, the degradation of water.
-From Hollywood Reporter interview with Mark Ruffalo July 21 2015
I moved to Tahoe to ride out the inevitable environmental collapse of next few years, feel this is one of the best places to be while whatever is going to happen happens. . .


Thursday, July 16, 2015

There's no place else to go. I'm here to ride out the environmental collapse and everything that comes with it. I keep forgetting how frightening it is down the mountain, I have to put up with some stuff I don't like here, but that is true everywhere. At least in Tahoe we have water, and there is a way to get around even if it is difficult. Everyone tells me if you keep looking in South Lake, you find a place to live that fits you, especially in September. So I have to stick it out. Truth is, I have no place else to go. . . 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

So much shallowness around such a deep lake

I've been a Californian since 1955 and I'm angry at what locals have let happen to Lake Tahoe.  It's all about making a quick buck off the lake, no one is talking about all the damage being done to the lake by fossil fuel burning engines going off everywhere here. 

Someone smart should have made this place pristine and set it aside a century ago, but today they only make national monuments out of places that don't have profit potential. 

Now with this annual invasion of the automobile called Summer, as a Person From Nowhere watching this from the woods, it makes me very sad.  

There are hundreds of empty houses here while people have no place to live. The owners salivate and they only care about outsiders coming with credit cards. The Owners put all their attention on the fast buck they can make off the lake, while the lake itself ceases to be beautiful, just becomes a "vacation destination" that makes money for one percenters who live in other states, or even other countries.  

So while the water turns more green every day, and the fish in it become toxic, you can buy dollar beer in a plastic cup at the Commons. 

Where can a Human go?